Royal guard on duty outside Royal Palace or Kungliga slottet


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The soldier is on duty; don't bother him. Define duty. duty synonyms, duty pronunciation, duty translation, English dictionary definition of duty. n.

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On duty

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Looks like he has a shootgun. Approx 14x9 cm. -------- All photos in excellent condition if nothing else stated.

On duty

Material, gypsum. Photographer, Josef Sudek. Print Dimensions, 17,8 x 10,7 cm. on duty - Översättning till Svenska.
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The position is responsible for fire control  Home guard soldier on duty? Looks like he has a shootgun.
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ON DUTY - svensk översättning - engelskt-svenskt

He's not on duty so he and his wife must both be out. He spent half of the 1971 season on military duty. Vertalingen in context van "on duty" in Engels-Nederlands van Reverso Context: duty on imports, i'm on duty, on active duty, anti-dumping duty on imports Definition of ON DUTY (phrase): working at that moment.

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Looks like he has a shootgun. Approx 14x9 cm. -------- All photos in excellent condition if nothing else stated. Please dont hesitate  No trip to Sydney is complete without going to Bondi Beach, one of Australia's most famous beaches.

Looks like he has a shootgun. Approx 14x9 cm. -------- All photos in excellent condition if nothing else stated. Please dont hesitate  No trip to Sydney is complete without going to Bondi Beach, one of Australia's most famous beaches. Discover the best things to do and the best restaurants in  Available in flange or wheel mounts, the TF Series motor has intermittent pressure ratings to 280 bar, torques to 920 Nm. Side load capability is 17792 N. on  The compact TL Series wheel motor has reduced length but still plenty of power. Intermittent pressures are 241 bar, torques to 1163 Nm. Side load capacity  Passiv beröringsfri Heavy Duty bricka med EM lästeknologi. Brickan är förstärkt runt nyckelringshålet för lång hållbarhet.