Open data from a researcher's perspective! - Staff


Sveriges dataportal

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Swedish National Data Service collaborates with almost 40 higher education institutions and public research institutes to provide researchers with a coordinated and quality-assured system for finding, describing, and sharing research data, nationally as well as internationally. Sweden stayed open, and as a result, many Swedes died. The researchers say that the Swedish strategy provides key data that will continue to be analyzed and can help inform new strategies The Swedish National Archives continue their efforts for publishing data from Swedish state authorities. The National Archives in Sweden have been assigned by the government to help state authorities to create access to digital information and stimulate the re-use of Open Data. Every day new official numbers are presented by Folkhälsomyndigheten and on the news but often without the proper context. On this site I try to present current data on Covid-19 that is interesting from a Swedish perspective, using charts that provide context and gives us an idea about what the current situation actually looks like.

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Missa inte @sndSweden digitala frågestund 28 april klockan 11.00-12.00 om #datahantering, #FAIRdata, #openaccess och andra viktiga #forskningsdata-frågor  At an Open Data Day event by Wikimedia Sweden and Open Knowledge Sweden. Licensiering. Jag, upphovsrättsinnehavaren av detta verk,  Laserdata Skog is open data (CC0). SCALGO Live includes a 1x1 meter raster DEM based on the ground-classified point cloud as well as a model with buildings  Mätningen baseras på två huvudparametrar; grad av nationell beredskap för öppna data (Open Data Readiness) samt mognadsgrad i nationell  Access OpenAid Openaid is a web-based information service about Swedish aid built on open government data.

OECD föreslår att Sverige tillsätter en Chief Transformation

Lund University Libraries and Stockholm University Press belong to the international Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association. Swedish Open i bordtennis – nytt datum, nya Tävlingen kommer att gå under namnet Sweden Tour – Givetvis är det tråkigt att vi inte kan genomföra Swedish Open som Swedish Modules’ prefabricated modular data centers make it possible to expand as your needs increase. To accomplish this, we offer custom solutions based on the unique circumstances of the case, or using a standardised OCP concept, along with high-density modules that meet the high demands of our customers for ROI and short delivery times.

Sweden open data

Sweden/Open data - OpenStreetMap Wiki

Introduction. DAMVAD Analytics was appointed by Lantmäteriet (The Swedish - samlingsplats för initiativ inom öppna data och transparens i Sverige. Här hittar du information om projekt, rapporter, aktiviteter och initiativ som  Sweden‎ | Open data. Licenspolicy för all NV-data: Rapporter, bilder, filmer och ljudklipp ska licensieras med CC-by licens. Övriga data ska licensieras med CC0  Sweden/Open data Öppna data för hela Sverige finns samlade på Plocka russinen ur kakan, erfarenheter av TRV och LMs öppna data.

Sweden open data

2018-11-19 · Search When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Data on Sweden across agriculture,development,economy,education,energy,environment,finance,government,health,innovation and technology,jobs,society Find, compare and share OECD data by country. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Sweden The Human Capital Index (HCI) database provides data at the country level for each of the components of the Human Capital Index as well as for the overall index, disaggregated by gender. The index measures the amount of human capital that a child born today can expect to attain by age 18, given the risks of poor health and poor education that prevail in the country where she lives. Statistics Sweden is a government agency that produces official statistics.
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Type (LKG), External Open Data. Type, dataset. Domain. Identifiers. Availability, online.

In June 2017, a broad majority in Everything is built upon open data.
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ODF – Swedish Centre for Ocean Observing Technology

I SCB:s databas finns även statistik från andra myndigheter. Om du använder statistik som tillgängliggjorts  Sanja Halling is the Swedish national coordinator for open research data. Gustav Nilsonne, PhD, researcher in Neuro- and Metascience,  There is only one area available for the API, sweden . Product, Right now we only have one product available for the API, comp which is a composite of the data  MyData Global. MyData Global's mission is to empower individuals by improving their right to self-determination regarding their personal data. The human-centric  2015-feb-18 - OpenNorth | Open Data in the North of Sweden.

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Aiad Hormez. Jan 14, 2021 The Open Data Inventory (ODIN) is a global open data index measuring the openness and coverage of official statistics in approximately 180  May 2, 2009 Sweden - - Postal codes and addresses · About · Access · Openness · Data and Resources · Additional Info  Aug 13, 2017 It is the digitized collection of Swedish parliamentary data and consists of roughly 30,000 documents pertaining to Sweden's national political  Jun 4, 2010 The results are based on random selection, by Statistics Sweden (SCB), of buildings throughout the Summary of Swedish Buildings Data. Mar 9, 2017 Open Data Watch ranked Canada 8th among 173 national statistical offices. This is Sweden was at the top of the Open Data Watch rankings.

Nordea Open | Välkomna till Båstad 5-18 juli 2021 | WTA & ATP. Nordea Open: Varmt välkomna till tennisveckorna i Båstad. Fri entré hela damveckan. Följ uppdateringar gällande tävlingen på hemsidan. Skip to content. The Sweden datacenter region will help customers store data at rest in Sweden and comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).