Kreativa Europa - Kulturrådet
Erasmus+ och de övriga EU-programmen inleds 2021
The 2021 budget will be complemented by actions to support the COVID-19 recovery, The 2021 EUA Annual Conference will take place on 22-23 April 2021. It will be hosted on an immersive online platform and participants will have access for more than two weeks, from 21 April until 7 May. 2014-01-23 The European Commission will start committing the funds under the next Multiannual Financial Framework (the EU long-term budget) as of 1 January 2021, following the adoption of the relevant sector-specific rules as well as of the annual budget for 2021 by the European Parliament and the Council. 2021 in EU we will see further split and divisions that will resulted braking apart of EU. Reply. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
2021-01-23 DFRWS EU 2021 will be held virtually 29th March-1st April, 2021, with all of the content one would normally expect at DFRWS. CFP open through Oct 14, 2020. In the second half of 2021, Slovenia will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU for the second time. We have already started the preparations for this very demanding project, as we have to ensure in a timely manner that all security, technical and logistics requirements for the organisation of meetings in Slovenia are fulfilled, along with designing activities for the promotion of Slovenia.
Ekonomisk vinterprognos 2021 - European Commission
- Det är fantastiskt att EU fokuserar på järnvägssektorn, säger Bane NORs VD Gorm Frimannslund. Igår kom EU-domstolen med en dom om hur förbuden mot att döda, störa eller skada vissa 2020:58, betänkande överlämnas 14 maj 2021). Från och med 2021 är det lagkrav för alla företag som omfattas av EU direktivet för hållbarhetsredovisning (NFRD) att redovisa enligt den nya EU-taxonomin. Aktuellt EU-program.
Nordiska rådet ordnar EU-webbinarier om energi -
— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) April 21, 2021. Frans Timmermans, the Commission’s executive vice-president in charge of the European Green Deal, was equally cheerful, saying: “This is a landmark moment for the EU. The European Union is introducing sweeping reforms to the EU VAT law, which will impact B2C e-commerce sellers as of 1 July 2021. KPMG Switzerland Blog › EU 2021 VAT changes – selling goods using EU warehouses
PDT. BERLIN — The European Union on Wednesday launched a closely watched effort to create a joint vaccination
Oct 21, 2020 On October 20, 2020, the European Commission adopted its 2021 Work Program setting out the actions the Commission aims to take in 2021.
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Welcome to EuroPython 2021 Online, the largest Python conference in Europe. Latest updates >>> We're excited to present our new website for EuroPython 2021 >>> Ticket sales have started >>> Financial aid applications are open >>> The Call for Proposals (CFP) will open on Monday, April 26 1 dag sedan · EU meddelar att man är beredd att skicka syrgas och medicin till Indien där coronaviruset orsakar en humanitär katastrof. EU har fått en förfrågan från New Delhi om hjälp, säger EU-kommissionens ordförande Ursula von der Leyen.
When the European Union comes up with some new tech regulation, it can quickly spread around the
Commission move causes concern about bringing case against key supplier of Covid vaccines Last modified on Thu 22 Apr 2021 13.08 EDT EU capitals have been asked by the European commission to back
Data acquired and calculated by Finbold indicates that as of Q1 2021, EU countries were fined €33.61 million in GDPR fines for various violations. Spain was the hardest-hit country, with regulators imposing €15.7 million in fines from a total of 34 cases.
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Europe is the number one overseas destination for UK travellers and many people will be looking to travel there in 2021. Travel to Europe will be different from 1 The ESFRI Strategic Report on RIs in Europe, known as the ESFRI Roadmap, to inaugurate the process of updating its Roadmap (to be completed in 2021). 4 Oca 2021 Deik EU Talks: 2021'de Türkiye-Avrupa Birliği İlişkilerinde Beklentiler Webinarı. DEİK tarafından Derneğimize yapılan bilgilendirmeye istinaden 27 Oct 2020 Making Europe greener, fairer, and more sustainable is at the heart of the European Commission's new work programme. By Paul Davies 27 Mar 2020 During the 2021-2027 programming period, we will continue to support interregional cooperation among regions from all across Europe.
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Under resten av år 2020 gällde övergångsregler som innebar att EU:s regler i hög utsträckning fortsatte att gälla och att Storbritannien fortsatte att vara en del av EU:s inre marknad under året.
Mon 18 Oct. eTranslation: a translation tool with European added value. France. Wed 13 Oct. Clear writing for Europe 2021. Belgium. Mon 11 Oct. (1) Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2021 of 1 October 2019 laying down ecodesign requirements for electronic displays pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 642/2009 (See page 241 of this Official Journal). (6) Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2021 of 1 October 2019 laying down ecodesign requirements for electronic displays pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 642/2009 (OJ L 315, 5.12.2019, p. 241).