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17025. Third edition. 2017-11. Aug 13, 2019 This Manual consists of Volume I, ORA Laboratory. Manual of Management Requirements and Volume II, ISO 17025:2017 ORS. Laboratory  Sep 13, 2013 There are no reviews yet. Be the first one to write a review. 8,393 Views.

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What is an ISO 17025 Checklist? An ISO 17025:2017 checklist is a tool used by laboratory managers or metrologists to determine if a laboratory meets the required competencies for testing and calibration set by the ISO 17025:2017 standard.

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Exigences générales concernant la compétence des laboratoires d' étalonnages et d'essais. STANDARD. ISO/IEC. 17025.

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ISO/IEC 17025:2017(E) Foreword. ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national . standards bodies (ISO member bodies).