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Botanischer Garten der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität

Lindheimera texana A. Gray & Engelm. – Texas yellowstar Subordinate Taxa. This plant has no children Legal Status. Wetland Status. Interpreting Wetland Status. Related Links. More Accounts and Images; Integrated Taxonomic Information System (LITE3) Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Lindheimera Species, Lindheimer Daisy, Star Daisy, Texas Yellow Star (Lindheimera texana) supplied by member gardeners in the PlantFi Lindheimera texana.

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Lindheimera texana A.Gray & Engelm. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Lindheimera (family Compositae). The record derives from TICA which reports it as an accepted name (record 5CEA4E9C-CD46-458C-BC23-4A64F8CBA0C4) with … Die Texas-Lindheimerie (Lindheimera texana), auch Texasstern genannt, macht zusammen mit der Pflanzenart Lindheimera mexicana die Gattung Lindheimera in der Familie der Korbblütler (Asteraceae) aus. Der Gattungsname Lindheimera ehrt den deutsch-amerikanischen Botaniker Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer (1801–1879). 2012-02-11 Discussion.

Art: Lindheimera texana - liten texasstjärna - Taxonomisk information

Synonyms for Lindheimera texana and other words similar to Lindheimera texana in our thesaurus. Learn more word definitions, translation, pronunciation, rhymes and more at SHABDKOSH. Abstract.

Lindheimera texana

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Lindheimera texana

Trivialnamn: liten texasstjärna Synonymer - Delvisa synonymer (pro parte) - Lindheimera. Lindheimera texana A.Gray & Engelm.
Pleuraplack symptom

C12, C30, C12, C15, C30. C12. Mennyiség.

Texas Yellowstar, Liten  De gula stjärnformade blommorna i Texas Yellowstar (Lindheimera Texana) växer 1 tum bred och blommar ensamma eller i kluster från mars till maj, vilket ger  Lindheimera texana +. 0.8 cm8 mm
0.008 m
(1.2 cm12 mm
0.012 m
) +. M. Melampodium appendiculatum +.
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Lindheimera texana, McKinney Roughs Natural Area, Bastrop Co. 3172 Lindheimera texana, McKinney Falls State Park, Travis Co. 3075 Lindheimera texana, Old Lampasas Trail, Austin, Travis Co. 1352 Synonyms for Lindheimera texana in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Lindheimera texana. 1 synonym for Lindheimera texana: Texas star. What are synonyms for Lindheimera texana?

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Acc: 190046780, Ipen: XX-O-MJG-19--46780.

Origin: Native lindheimera-texana | definition: Texas annual with coarsely pinnatifid leaves; cultivated for its showy radiate yellow flower heads | synonyms: flower, Texas star, genus Lindheimera, Lindheimera Dictionary entry overview: What does Lindheimera texana mean?