What does "då" mean in Swedish? - Duolingo
Croatian for ‘Hey’. Polish for ‘Hey’. You name it .—. Also used by Fishlandic people. FishlandicFishy: Hej Fishlandic viewers!
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Hur har du det? — Jag har det toppenbra! Själv då Need the translation of "Bye" in Afrikaans but even don't know the meaning? Swedish. Hej då.
Common Swedish phrases to know – SwedLifestyle
¿Cómo estás? Trevligt att träffas. Encantado de conocerte.
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Bye-bye. Hej då, pappa. source. Contextual translation of "hur mår du då" into English. Human Results for hur mår du då translation from Swedish to English hej och hur mår du idag? HEJ DÅ PAPPA HA DET BRA! Lyrics: Hejdå pappa, ha det bra / Ses på hotellet sen / Hoppas du är snäll mot dina kunder som du lovade / Åh
“Hej då Landstinget! communication as sense making and constitutive of the organisation, which has helped to clarify the meaning of strategic communication.
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Translations in context of "hej" in Polish-English from Reverso Context: hej stary, hej chłopaki, hej ludzie, hej kolego, hej hej
hej (). مرحبا, هالو، مرحبا, كلمة تَحِيَّه, وداع, مع السلامة, مع السّلامة, وداعاً, الى اللقاء, إلى اللقاء, صَيْحَة تَعَجُّب أو عَدم اسْتِحْسان, حرْف نِداء للسؤال او التعبير عن السرور او لَفْت الإنتباه
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Hej då! Bye! bye-hej då.svg.
Common Swedish phrases to know – SwedLifestyle
*2 strangers passing each other*. Stranger 1: Hej Hej. Stranger 2: Hej Hej. by DiverseDefinitions January 07, 2015. Flag.
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